The British generally prefer to cook in stew, barbecue, fry and fry. There are unique ways to cook meat, seafood and game.
There is a special preference for beef, such as roast beef, which is not only served with seasonal vegetables and roast potatoes, but also with a little mustard sauce on the steak.
In the use of condiments like butter and wine, in the spices like fresh spices such as meat, cinnamon.
The British are very particular about breakfast. There are many kinds of meals in English restaurants, such as fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, porridge, bread, jam and coffee.
Afternoon tea, which is popular nowadays, is also handed down from Britain. It includes all kinds of snacks, muffins, fruit tarts and sandwiches.
这有很多啊那就简单的给你介绍几个吧英国:炸鱼薯条、土司面包夹烤牛排配约克郡布丁法国:鹅肝酱煎鲜贝、法国洋葱汤、法式辣猪排、法式锔蜗牛印度:印度咖喱、印度薄饼墨西哥:玉米宴、塔科饼德国:烤猪肉、醋焖牛肉、咸猪手、酸白卷心菜 、斯图加特美食、洋葱熏肉饼 乌干达:蕉饭 日本:生鱼片、寿司、味噌汤、天妇罗巴西:烤牛肉、Feijoada、Caruru 丹麦:魔鬼太阳韩国:韩国泡菜、紫菜包饭、辣炒米糕、冷面、大酱汤 中华台北:蚵仔煎、深坑老街臭豆腐、九份芋圆、棺材板阿根廷:馅饼、牛肉意大利:意大利肉酱焗意粉、意大利海鲜浓汤、茄汁意大利肉圆面、意酱通心粉
The first one to eat crab.第一个敢于吃螃蟹的人。 Eat to live,but do not live to eat.为生活而饮食,莫过于为饮食而生活。 We rean what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 Charity is like moiasses,sweet and cheap.慈善好像糖水,又甜又便宜。 The yotten apple in jured its neighboors.一粒老鼠屎,弄坏一锅粥。
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