
1.breakfast 指一天之中的第一顿饭,早上起床后所食之餐,即早餐。
I open the mail immediately after breakfast.
2. lunch 和 dinner
(1)lunch 指中午所食之餐,即午餐。
Where did you h***e lunch? 你在哪吃的午饭?
(2)dinner 是一天之中最为重要的一餐,一般在傍晚吃。
For breakfast,I like bread and milk,but I don't like orange juice.
For lunch,I like rice and vegetables,but I don't like pork.
And for dinner,I like noodles,but I don't like ice-cream.
For breakfast,Tom likes noodles,but he doesn't like rice dumplings.
For lunch,Tom likes rice and beef,but he doesn't like vegetables.
And for dinner,Tom likes fish,but he doesn't like pork.
早饭,我喜欢面包和牛奶,但我不喜欢橙汁。 午饭,我喜欢吃米饭和蔬菜,但我不喜欢猪肉。 晚饭我喜欢面,但我不喜欢冰激凌。 早饭,汤姆喜欢面,但他不喜欢粽子。 午饭,汤姆喜欢米饭和牛肉,但他不喜欢蔬菜。 晚饭,汤姆喜欢鱼,但他不喜欢猪肉。
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