Shaanxi's food has become popular on the Internet. Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, has many popular online food. Many netizens go to Shaanxi and 34;fall in love with a city because of one food".
Today, I will introduce you to 2 famous snacks in Shaanxi, each of which is hard to part with.
1.Chinese hamburger.
the bread is chewy and the pork indide is soft,tender and fragrant.
Both rice crust and Liangpi are very popular in Shaanxi. Both the selection of rice and the use of pot are very exquisite. The rice skin made is elastic, thin and strong.
The secret chili oil used is made of more than ten kinds of seasonings. Add cucumber shreds and bean sprouts, and pour a spoonful of hot oil on the crystal white rice husks. The red and white ingredients are mixed, and the saliva is already unbearable between the lips and teeth.
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